1-Based on 300 years old scientific principles that emerged out of the physic of Newton & the scientific method of Descartes. Reductionist.
2-View the universe as a giant clock
3-view the body as a machine 4-Whole=sum of parts 5-Study all the parts=understanding of the whole *Specialist 6-Water=H20 7-Closed system *separateness *predictable.Dx; therapist; prognosis
1-Deals w/crisis care through the treatment of effects by suppressing symptoms, sickness & disease
2-Doctor is authoritarian, patriarchal, intervenes on submissive patient who is dependent
3-Disease seen as an entity & event. Symptoms, sickness & disease is wholly; judged as abnormal=>at war w/body & environment
4-Believe in the germ theory of disease 5-Based on inductive reasoning 1-State of health, consciousness & belief of doctor is inconsequential to patient.
2-Fear in every interaction
3- Normalization
4- Technology, science, art & philosophy
5-Sterile, cold, impersonal, uniform & ritual, expensive |
1-Based on contemporary scientific principle that emerged out of quantum physic. The science of Chaos, Change & Complexity. Wholeistic. 2-View the universe as a living system
3-body as bioenergetic information whirlpool 4-Whole>sum of parts 5-Study the whole=>respect for unknown O/o
*Wholistic practitioner 6-Water= H20+Energy 7-Open system *interconnectiveness *Unpredictable
1-Deals w/wellness care, address primary cause (life force/innate). Expression of symptoms essential for restoration of integrity 2-Doctor is teacher educator, partner, facilitates healing in participant of the tango of healing
3-Disease seen as a process, a manifestation of underlying disharmony. Message to change, challenge to body, adaptation=>at peace with body & environment 4-Believe in the breakdown theory
5-Based on deductive reasoning 1-State of health, consciousness & belief of doctor is paramount for person’s transformation
2-Trust in every interaction
4- Philosophy, science, art, technology
5-Alive, warm, personal, casual, practical, inexpensive